Monday, 29 June 2009

Soldiers Deaths

What has made me so angry regarding the British politicians fiddling there expenses and spending so much time trying to make as much money out of the Tax payer as possible is, this Government sent our troops out to war in 2 countries with out proper equipment to protect them. We had no money to spend on extra equipment, the army just had to manage with what they had.
Tony Blair sent British soldiers out to fight these wars and has since retired from the main political arena only to make a small fortune on the lecture circuit £12 million since leaving office.
He should be giving at least half of this money to the badly injured soldiers that need extensive medical care and to help the families.
Again he displays a total lack of compassion for what has happened, money does not solve all the problems but it would show he is prepared to give something back from his own pocket.
That would be the right thing to do.

Will he do it, I don't think so. Money and power is everything to these guys, not human life.
How can Government ministers leave British troops in a war zone without giving them every thing possible to do the job as safely as possible. They just don't care.
They think more about there personal lives than the job they are doing.
Now this lesson should teach us not to trust any politician, unless they are special and I can't see any politician like that, can you, if so please drop me a line.