Monday, 9 April 2007

The U.S Resources Wars

Future American governments will have to place a greater emphasise on its Oil, gas and even fresh water supplies than previous administrations. Now I no America has always looked after its interests above everything else, but the coming years will see military conflict around the globe fighting over precious resources.

The U.S will have no option but to use its military might either as a veiled threat or in direct action to secure its supplies.

The problem with taking this action for the U.S will be the lack of finance to fund a large conflict. As we are seeing in Iraq the cost of 2 years occupation fighting a guerrilla war is mind bogging $200 billion for the first year alone.

People might say what's difference from the previous wars, well America's main creditors ie China and Japan will be the countries that the U.S will be up against in its race to secure the resources it needs. These will have a big stick to hit America, which has been handed to them by the U.S government.

Any conflict that the U.S is engaged with can only last 3 months because the U.S strategic reserve can only last that long. So this is there time frame for any military action to start and finish.

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