Monday, 30 July 2007

Test your Country's Wealth

I have been asked by family and friends how I judge a countries wealth.This is how I do it.
Do the simple test:

Take a look at your country's infrastructure its a good test of wealth and how good or bad the government politics are running in your country. Its not rocket science but it brings home the truth.
Answer these questions?
with 2 point for Good, 1 point for ok. and -0 for bad:

>Water supplies =
>Telecom systems =
>Gas supplies =
>The condition of the public roads, =
>Public transport, =
>Health care, =
>Education in schools =
>Crime =
>Rubbish clearance =

Now if any body gets the maximum of 18 points drop me an email of where you live and I will be your new neighbor!
Of course there are other factors that affect the quality of life such as unemployment, taxation rates, inflation and interest rates but these move up and down through cycles in most countries but if the infrastructure is crumbling then its the biggest signal to the man in the street that things have stopped working within the government.
Look at this way if you drive to work and the road condition starts to get worst every day and very little repairs are carried out and the cars are starting to get damaged by driving over pot holes but the taxes keep rising its time to start to take notice about your counties government.

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