Thursday, 23 October 2008

Recession busting

Well after the stock market melt downs and the bank bail outs, things are looking very depressing. But our politicians are on the case and will stir things up quite nicely with there cash hand outs so start to think for your self.

But if you follow my advice and don't put any faith in your politicians or Governments, to do anything right then you are on course for a successful future, even in a recession. Things are never as dark as you think, there are always ways of changing the future, but you must take ownership of your life.

The Governments are only interested in there survival and to drain the state funds for as much money as they legally can get away with. To move ahead you must change the way you view Governments and politicians and think as a free man and not a controlled one.

Step 1. Don,t listen to the media they are only interested in selling news, facts are distorted to help them sell a new story.

Step 2. Don,t buy anything that's not necessary and I mean absolutely necessary.
Step 3. Don,t pay anybody for there advice its usually a con, IE mortgage advisers, stock market brokers and real estate sellers.
Step 4. Check your bank statments for errors and challenge the banks for over charging.
Step 5. Reduce direct debits on your acount.

If there is demand I will publish more ideas to change your life for the better and reverse the mess the governments have created.

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